For those that signed up with TNX (Buying/Selling Text Link Ads) here is how you are going to install TNX on your Wordpress Software:
1. Open Notepad Copy their Full Code from <?php to ?> and save file as tnx.php
2. Upload the file to your ftp server where your theme is at
Example: wp-content/themes/Your_Theme_Name
3. Go to Presentation on Your Wordpress and Click On Theme Editor.
4. You will notice there will be file tnx.php in the right side list?
5. Question for you ! Where do you want to put your links from tnx?
I placed mine on sidebar, because that is where most space I got, I hate placing irrelevant links right on top or on the bottom of my posts.
Now the fun part!
To call the file tnx.php simply copy this code <?php include(’tnx.php’) ?> where ever you want to place their links.
If you want to place it on top of the posts click on Single Post look for <?php include “header.php”; ?> and right under that code paste <?php include(’tnx.php’) ?>
If you want to place your code in sidebar on top:
Look for
<div class=”sidebar”> Ad the TNX code BEFORE <div class=”sidebar”>
OPTION NO.2 and maybe easy for some people that don’t know squad about wordpress or files and coding
This video shows how you as an ordinary person can have someone else buy and sell acquisitions on your behalf and do all the work for you, and give you incredible returns.
When I tell you that no other internet marketer will ever show you an opportunity like this unless it is this, I mean it.
I know that sounds pretty heavy. But I also know that the person in this video, has done deals that make the top guru's look like infants.
You get this person bragging about making 10k in one day, you get another guru telling you how they made 1.9 million in 9 months.
Its all cool for them, but whats in that for you, other than you forking out money to learn their system. It may even be a good system, but in all likelihood, you will never be able to achieve the same results without the same joint venture partners as they have.
This system is not going to overpromise and under deliver, like 90% of the garbage the gurus are shoving down your throat. I may sound harsh today, but I am kind of sick of some of the crap some top marketers are peddling for the outrageous sums they are asking.
They are capitalizing on a recession and using social proof, to convince you that you need to spend thousands of dollars right now to learn their system otherwise get eaten by the poor economy. that I have that off of my chest .... Let Chris Bell capitalize on the poor economy and start working FOR YOU! Here there is nothing to learn. Here there is no list required. Here there is no pay per click required for traffic. In fact here there is no traffic required.
Here there is nothing required, other than your undivided attention to this video, and how perhaps, this is worlds first TRULY PASSIVE income creating system. How many times have you heard set and forget, just to find out, you had to setup an autoresponder, drive traffic to the link, socially market the product or a number of other things that were not explained on the salespage?
How would you like just for an example, that if you put 100 dollars into a system, that 12 months from now, you had withdrawn 250 dollars, but you had 470.00 still in a system growing and spitting out money at you every month.
Then another year goes by, and you had withdrawn another 400 dollars, and you had over 1000 dollars in the system? Year 3, you have taken enough out for a family vacation, and you now had 4,000 dollars in the system working for you. Are these interest rates you would like to learn more about?
How would you like setting this up once, and as fast as it takes to send a few bucks through a payment processor or credit card? How would you like a millionaire with 20 years of experience in creating huge returns for himself get put to work for you. heard that right. Give a few dollars (your choice) to a person that controls millions of dollars of assets (his) that he grew by starting with a coffee cup, bought for 25 cents. I am not telling you this for the whats in it for me ... Because truthfully there are affiliate programs that will make a lot more money in my pocket in the short term for me.
I am telling you about this, Chris Bell will do all the work for you, and he has 20 years experience in this field. Its inconceivable to most people the absolutely crazy returns one can get on their money if they have the know how, and the resources.
Here you do not need, time, resources, expertise, effort, traffic, you only need a couple of bucks. How much is up to you.
Here is what I recommend you do.
Watch the video.
Fund what you are comfortable with.
Sit back and watch him sell your stuff for you, and pay you incredible returns on your account.
This is nothing out there like this, and everyone that has seen this is very excited. Cut back on Mcdonalds, or some other bad habits this month, and fund your future.
Starting your own blog is one of the most fun, rewarding experiences you’ll find on the internet. If you write a blog for fun or a creative outlet then things like traffic, page views might not interest you. But your blog could be a means for you to make a pretty penny. You just have to remember a few things when starting up to be successful.
1. Know Your Content & Audience - If there’s one thing that most all successful blogs have in common it’s that they almost all have a central theme. General interest blogs might be entertaining for you, but if you’re looking to make money then you’ll want your blog to have a point. If you enjoy electronic gadgets, then a blog surrounding electronic news or reviews would be a good start. Having a strong singular focus will also payoff in the long run for advertising interests as well.
2. Finding Readers & Keeping Them - This is probably the most challenging step when making money from your blog. Finding an audience is a daunting task, considering how many people are out there and how many blogs saturate the market. The first thing to remember is making your blog SEO compliant. A huge majority of people surfing the internet use a search engine, so you’ll want your page as high up on the hit list as possible. Here is a good site with tips on implementing good SEO for blog writers. Another great way to find readers to be involved in the blogging community. Frequent other writers’ sites and leave comments. In the blogging world, the more people you visit then the more people that will visit you.
3 Advertising…It’s All In The Content - I mentioned earlier that you want to find a core audience when starting your blog. While attracting visitors is the main reason, finding companies to advertise on your site is another. Advertising is where you’ll directly be making money from your blog. If your blog has a core theme, and a strong audience then a lot of times advertisers will come to you. If not then this is when you’ll have to take risks to be successful. The easiest, and fastest way to monetize from advertising is to utilize AdSense. Google Adsense simply takes your article and puts ad links into various keywords throughout the post. How much money you receive is based on how many clicks each ad gets.
4 Keep Up With New Technology - The blogosphere is just like any other entity of the internet. The technology and advancements for blogging are continually changing. One of the best ways to keep up with new tools is to join a forum. Blogging technology is usually spread through word-of-mouth and forums is the perfect platform for new information.
If you are looking to make money at home for free by writing, you might look into the opportunity at They are a website that has thousands of writers who all specialize in one or more subjects. These writers might cover a national topic or a local one and it is something you can do in your spare time to make some additional money. is really an online news magazine of sorts that covers every topic imaginable and has thousands of writers in every city in America. Each writer is called an “Examiner” and covers his or her areas of expertise which, as previously mentioned, might even be as small as the local elections of your small city. The idea is to get stories out there all over the net written by everyday people just like you.
How Do You Make Money? makes its money by charging for advertising and also through the Adsense that is displayed on its pages. The more people who read the articles, the more money they can charge for their ad space. Additionally, the more readers they have translates to more Adsense clicks which also makes them a substantial amount of money.
For this reason, they encourage their “Examiners” to write their articles with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind so that the articles naturally rise to the top of Google and get more page views. You the writer will get paid a certain amount per 1000 page views and my research has told me that it is $10.00 per 1000 page views right now.
The good part about is that it is FREE to join and if you have an area of knowledge you can get started and make money at home with no risk. The more articles you write, the more you can make over time as you will get paid as long as your articles are getting views. In other words, if you write a popular article that stays on the first page of Google for months or even years, you will keep getting paid for all the page views you get. That is a nice way to generate some passive income.
This is not a home job but merely another legitimate way to make money from an online company that DOES pay. You will get paid via PayPal when your balance reaches $25.00 and you will get paid every month that you make at least that amount.
ADTrade Consulting lanseaza prima retea de afiliere din Romania: - cea mai eficienta cale pentru posesorii de web site-uri de a obtine profit maxim din publicitatea online. aduce avantaje competitive fata de sistemul clasic de publicitate online punand accent pe o colaborare permanenta cu partenerii: tu alegi campaniile care se potrivesc site-ului tau si modalitatea de promovare, tu ai suport 24 din 7, tu te bucuri de tehnologie de monitorizare in timp real.
In plus, ai parte de advertiseri de calitate cu o gama larga de campanii publicitare unice (CPA, CPS, CPC) pentru ca prima retea de afiliere se lanseaza cu misiunea ca tu sa ai comisioane maxime si modalitati de plata cat mai flexibile. Toate datele sunt procesate in timp real folosind cel mai performant software din domeniu, DirectTrack.
Ca advertiser in reteaua Adtrade principala noutate este ca acum nu mai este cazul sa platesti pentru click-uri sau afisari, prin intermediul campaniilor de tip CPA (cost per action) si CPS (cost per sale) nu iti asumi cheltuieli inutile, platesti doar pentru rezultate.
Afilierea presupune 2 pasi simpli: te inscrii ca partener si astepti maxim 48 de ore pentru ca site-ul tau sa fie verificat de catre un administrator pentru a fi validat . Din acest moment ai acces la toate campaniile disponibile si comisioanele aferente.
Lansarea Retelei de afiliere ADTrade, vine in intampinarea nevoii de intermediere a publicitatii pe piata online Romaneaca. Este un concept nou si unic in Romania menit sa eficientizeze promovarea online si intermedierea de publicitate, fiind de altfel un sistem ce aduce castiguri considerabile tuturor partilor implicate (advertiseri si webmasteri).
Adrian Danila
ADTRade Consulting SRL
Telefon: 0745 579555
Email: (Adresa de email este ascunsa din motive de securitate)
eMAG ProfitShare este un alt mod de a-ti monetiza site-ul. Inscrie-te in programul de afiliere si foloseste traficul site-ului tau pentru a-ti maximiza veniturile.
De fiecare data cand se vinde un produs unui client directionat de site-ul tau, castigi un comision de 3% din vanzare. Da! E chiar asa simplu...
Iata un exemplu
In plus, daca te inscrii acum, primesti un bonus de "bun-venit" de 100 RON dupa ce directionezi primii 50 de vizitatori catre