Sunday, October 14, 2012

Faceti publicitate cu Adserve!

Adserve ofera reclame cost-per-click afisate pe siteurile noastre si pe cele ale partenerilor. Puteti utiliza atat reclame banner cat si reclame text pentru a face publicitate produselor si serviciilor dvs. Sistemul nostru este unul eficient si fiabil si va permite sa abordati o gama larga de clienti.

Atunci când oamenii caută pe motorul nostru de cautare folosind unul dintre cuvintele cheie, textul sau banner publicitar folosit de dvs poate să apară alături de rezultatele căutării. Acum faceţi publicitate pentru o audienţă care este deja interesata de catre dvs.

Oamenii pot da click pe reclama dvs pentru a cumpara ceva sau pur si simplu ca sa afle mai multe despre dvs. Trebuie sa platiti doar pentru click-urile reale pentru website-urile dvs

Castigati imediat bani cu siteul sau blogul dvs

Inscrieti-va in programul de parteneriat publisher si incepeti sa generati profituri din siteurile dvs incepand de astazi. Adserve publisheri sunt partenerii nostrii inregistrati care afiseaza Adserve reclamele advertiserilor in siteurile detinute. Puteti castiga 25% din rata per clickuri din siteurile dvs. 

Unităţi de afişare bannere personalizabile ca dimensiuni

Crearea de unităţi flexibile şi elegant de anunţuri potrivite cu design de site-ului/blog-ului dvs. Personalizaţi aspectul de unităţilor dvs. de anunţuri, cu câteva clicuri de mouse de la panoul de control. Puteţi alege să afişa anunţuri text sau anunţuri banner (sauambele).

Monday, June 18, 2012

TOP Premium WordPress "Application" Themes

WordPress is great and all, but leaving it with the default installation and the default theme can leave something to be desired.

The great thing is that WordPress can be used to power a myriad of websites and not just blogs. If there’s a website that you want to build, there’s a good chance that you can customize WordPress to be the framework for that kind of website.

While they may be billed as a premium WordPress app, what AppThemes really offers is a series of purpose-built WordPress themes.

As we make our way through today’s review, we’ll have a look at these different themes and what they have to offer.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Castigati bani cu programul de afiliere LADY'S

Programul de afiliere Lady’s permite unui afiliat sa obtina comision de la Lady’s pentru cumparaturile clientilor pe care i-a directionat.

Daca esti inscrisa ca client pe Lady's recomanda-ne familiei si prietenilor, si iti GARANTAM minim 10% din valoarea comenzilor primite de la afiliatele tale. Vei castiga de fiecare data cand acestea cumpara!

Gaseste clienti noi pentru magazinul nostru si vei beneficia de un comision care ajunge la pâna la 20% din cumparaturile clientilor nou introdusi, pe o perioada nedeterminata.

Care sunt beneficiile programului de afiliere Lady’s?
Programul este facut sa maximizeze profitul afiliatului!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Become an Intellilinks Affiliate and Earn More Money!

Intellilinks now has an affiliate program for you to MAKE MORE MONEY!

Intellilinks recently increased their affiliate payout from 10% to 15% and there are already THOUSANDS of publishers making money by simply referring advertisers and publishers to Intellilinks.

Already a Publisher with Intellilinks?
Simply visit Intellilinks to get your custom affiliate code and banners.
Not a registered Publisher with Intellilinks?
If you haven’t already registered as a publisher with Intellilinks, simply sign up here. Once you’re a registered publisher, you’ll have access to your custom affiliate URL and affiliate banners. You can also submit sites of your own to sell links on directly and immediately start earning additional revenue!
There’s no risk or cost to you! You simply place the Intellilinks affiliate banners of your choice on your site and when anyone buys links at Intellilinks that came from your site, you’ll earn a 15% commission on anything they spend.

Intellilinks also pays you for referring publishers! If you refer a publisher and Intellilinks sells links on their sites, you’ll earn 15% of whatever they earn!

Again, if you’re not already a publisher with Intellilinks, sign up here and grab your affiliate banners and start earning money today!

Thursday, February 02, 2012 – Lottery Affiliate Program

For every purchase made by a referred customer, you will receive a commission according to the sales program that you choose. offers two sales programs: Revenue Share (RevShare) and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA).
In the Revenue Share modality you will receive a commission for each purchase done by the customer. This includes not only the initial purchase, but all the purchases done throughout the customer’s life. If you prefer the CPA sales modality, we pay you a commission for each new client that you refer to us who buys in our site. This is a convenient model if you want an initial high commission, beyond the client’s purchases in the future.
And, you also win for the customer’s referrals who use (referrals of tier 1) and for the ones that they, at the same time, refer for affiliation (referrals of tier 2).

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