Earn more by directing users to signup with BidVertiser.
Place a Referral button on your site and you will start to earn money when a user clicks on your button and signs as an advertiser or a publisher:
When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, we'll credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.
When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, we'll credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.
Your earnings are tracked in your control panel, including clicks, sign-ups and conversions.
Your earnings from referrals will be included with your BidVertiser earnings in the monthly payment cycle.
First and foremost, you earn 1 cent each ad you click on. That may not seem like a lot, but in the end, it will ad up. On top of your clicks, each referral you have that clicks, you will earn 100% of what they earn. Yet again, the power of referrals. Here is a basic earning pyramid listed on AdBux.org:
Earnings Example
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10!
10 referrals click 10 ads per day = $1.00!
Your weekly earnings = $7.70!
Your monthly earnings = $30.80!
The cool thing about this website is that you can advertise your website or referral links as well. For $3.40 you can have your site viewed 100 times. That is less than the minimum ad click on Google’s AdWords, or Yahoo’s Search Marketing systems. Another thing, is that your earnings are unlimited and with a large referral base, you can let your referrals work for you.
Instead of paying for your advertising, you can look through other sites and learn information about your interests. In the meantime, you are earning money, and essentially earning free advertising.
Also, if you do not wish to find referrals, AdBux offers a way to purchase a set of members who joined without a referrer:
You can purchase 25 of these un-referred AdBux members for a price of only $39.95. This is an EXTREMELY low price to pay when you sit back and imagine your profits. In fact, based on averages, 25 active referrals can bring you about $100 - $150+ a month (give or take) IF they are active. That could be $100+ profit in just one month! Although, we cannot guarantee that you will earn such a profit.
WidgetBucks features pay-per-click shopping widgets that help bloggers make money fast. They instantly display the most popular products based on buying trends of 100 million shoppers. When a reader clicks on the widget and visits the advertiser, you make money. According to WidgetBucks, widgets earn $3-$6 CPM which is relatively higher than other ad networks.
WidgetBucks integrates with Blogger, TypePad, WordPress, Movable Type, and other large blogging platforms. Some of the features as listed on their site are as below:
When users click your ads, you get paid.
Extensive reporting tools and daily updates; Payouts are monthly
Complements existing programs, such as Google AdSense
Over 300 configurations, 256 color schemes and formatted for major IAB standard sizes
Manual configuration also available by category
Product listings from 30,000 merchants including trusted leading brands
Get instant $25 sign-up bonus, which gets you half way to your first check !
With WidgetBucks Referral program, affiliates can earn a 10 percent referral fee based on the commissions earned by the people they refer.
Affiliates receive this 10 percent for the full 12 months after the new member joins. Payouts to affiliates are monthly, along with their commission checks.
In my opinion, a VERY good alternative for bloggers and sites who want something more than Adsense.
PayPerPost.com este un serviciu adresat bloggerilor prin care bloggerii sunt platiti pentru posturile care le scriu.
Cum functioneaza ?
Simplu ! Bloggerii dornici sa scrie despre ceea ce le place gasesc pe site ofertele disponibile, se inscriu la cele de care sunt interesati, se apuca sa scrie postul respectiv si daca advertiserul este multumit de postul scris de blogger atunci banii sunt pusi deoparte bloggeului.
Internet Marketing guru John Reese unveiled his new product to the world yesterday; BlogRush.
See the new widget in my sidebar to the right ? That’s the BlogRush widget and I have to say its pretty cool. Whats more important though is its free and a fantastic way to get more traffic to your blog.
PayPal a inclus si Romania in lista tarilor civilizate care pot primi bani in cont. Initial aveam voie doar sa deschidem cont din Romania cu optinea de trimitere de fonduri.
Pentru mai multe informatii vizitati site-ul PayPal. Iata si dovada ca putem sa primim bani si ca avem posibilitatea sa ii retragem cu un card - aici.
AdBux este unul dintre cele mai bune si mai corecte programe de Pay to click.
Va permite sa castigati bani facand cateva clickuri pe siteurile recomandate de ei si vizitandule pentru 30 secunde.
Bani pe care Adbux vi distribuie vin furnizati de la siteurile pe care voi le vizitati iar inscrierea la Adbux este complet gratuita.
AdBux for Advertisers
One of the most valuable features of advertising with AdBux, the thing that sets us apart from mainstream advertising is that with AdBux, the consumers are looking for the advertisers and not the other way around. We have hundreds of thousands of consumers from over 200 countries that can be targeted by their interests, their location and their buying power. They are literally waiting for advertisers to pay them to look at stuff that they are already interested in! To check out our rates, testimonials and traffic patterns, click HERE.
AdBux for Affiliates
In the world of secular advertising, advertisers pay a medium to disperse their adverts in front of targeted and/or un-targeted people. The only connection that the advertisers have with potential consumers is interest. Using images, word play and offering the product/service at a cheaper price works in some or most instances, but what else can be added to entice the consumers to go with that particular advertiser? Our solution is a monetary incentive. Think of this: As a consumer, wouldn't it be nice to get paid to simply look at products/services/websites that interest you?
Advertisers will pay YOU up to $0.015 (1.5 cents) for every website you view! Additionally, you can maximize your earnings with our affiliate program where you can earn up to 150% of your referrals' direct click earnings and commissions on any AdBux service that your referrals purchase!
Daca aveti blog sau un site web si doriti sa castigati bani din publicitate nu trebuie decat sa va deschideti un cont la Google AdSense, sa completati formularul respectiv si sa asteptati 1 sau 2 zile pentru ca sa va accepte in sistem.
Acum Google accepta si site-uri in limba romana. Desigur ca nu sunt la fel de bine platite ca cele in limba engleza dar oricum se castiga bine !
Din Google AdSense se castiga bani pe click (se poate si ca CPM - adica pe mia de aparitii - dar in conditii speciale si eu inca nu stiu pe cineva care sa aiba un site care sa castige astfel).
Ce inseamna se castiga pe click? Inseamna ca atunci cand cineva da click pe un ad, voi castigati bani.
Castigati mai multi bani de la Google AdSense daca influentati si alte elemente: traficul (cu cat e mai mult, cu atat creste numarul de clickuri), CTR-ul (Click Through Ratio - procentul de clickuri) prin punerea ads-urilor in text, adica sa faceti ads-urile sa arate ca si cum ar face parte din continut.
La un moment dat, dupa activarea contului, primiti un cod PIN de activare a contului (il primiti prin posta).
Banii de la Google AdSense ii puteti primi in fiecare luna in care suma cumulata de la ultimul cec trimis este de 100$.
Pe 21 noiembrie 2006 a aparut Agloco™.
Agloco este prima Comunitate Economica din lume ce doreste sa dea membriilor sai o parte din profit-urile acumulate de catre companiile online, profit-uri ce chiar membrii le genereaza. Daca sunteti online si navigati pe internet, ajutati companiile online sa faca milioane de dolari, dar ca un simplu individ nu primiti niciodata nimic. Agloco se foloseste de puterea bazata pe numarul de membrii pentru a obtine un procent din aceste sume. Agloco isi opreste aproximativ 10% din profit-uri si restul este dat membriilor.
Conceptul e simplu :
- membrii folosesc internet-ul.
- companiile de pe net au profit-uri de pe urma utilizatorilor de internet.
- companiile platesc un procent comunitatii Agloco.
- Agloco plateste membrii.
Agloco primeste bani de la mai multe surse :
1. Search - De fiecare data cand un membru foloseste un motor de cautare si ajunge sa gaseasca pagina dorita, motorul de cautare ofera o recompensa comunitatii Agloco ( Google de exemplu plateste cu 10 centi / search )
2. Publicitate - avand din ce in ce mai multi membrii, Agloco va fi comunitatea perfecta unde cineva ar putea sa isi faca reclama.
3. Comision de tranzactii - de fiecare data cand Agloco recomanda ( prin reclame ) un produs / serviciu, compania ce ofera acel produs / serviciu va plati un comision. ( Amazon plateste cu 8.5% din valoarea produsului. ) Comisionul va fi impartit intregii comunitati Agloco.
4. Distributia de soft - Multe companii de pe net incurajeaza descarcarea noilor programe si folosirea lor. Membrii Agloco nu numai ca vor avea acces la ultimile programe, dar vor si primi bani pentru folosirea lor. ( ex : Adobe Flash si Acrobat Reader )
5. Distributia de servicii - Multe companii de servicii online sunt interesate de oameni activi pe internet ce le vor folosi serviciile si le vor recomanda si altora. ( Google, Yahoo, eBay, Hi5, Skype, PayPal, E-gold si multe altele )
Castig-uri :
Membrii comunitatii vor avea 2 forme de castig :
Banii: Membrii vor putea castiga o suma de bani prin navigarea pe internet. Aceasta suma va fi stabilita pentru fiecare tara / stat in parte la data lansarii oficiale. Lansarea oficiala va fi la sfarsitul lunii februarie odata cu apariti programului Viewbar.
Actiuni: Membrii vor mai putea castiga actiuni la bursa. Compania este detinuta 100% de catre membrii. Cu cat aveti mai multe persoane recomandate cu atat aveti mai multe actiuni. Actiunile vor fi la London Stock Exchange.
Pentru a va putea contoriza activitatea online, Agloco va pune la dispozitie un program numit Viewbar. Acest program tine evidenta intereselor dumneavoastra online precum preferintelor dumneavoastra si astfel va ofera cele mai bune oferte ( reclamele afisate de catre program ). Nu este obligatoriu ca sa dati click pe reclame pentru a castiga bani. ( multe companii fantoma se bazeaza pe conceptul asta ceea ce a speriat o mare parte din utilizatorii de internet si multi se feresc de asemenea programe de facut bani )
Sistemul de recomandari
Pentru fiecare persoana ce o recrutati in comunitatea Agloco veti primii un procent. Comunitatea trebuie sa creasca pentru a atrage investitori mai puternici si astfel membrii vor avea numai de castigat. Sunt 5 nivele de recomandare ( 1 direct si 4 indirecte ) si veti primii un procent din cat castiga fiecare in reteaua voastra. Pentru a recruta oameni in comunitatea Agloco trebuie sa le oferiti link-ul personal care este de forma http://www.agloco.com/r/BBDX0949 ( inclocuiti BBDX0949 cu ID-ul dumneavoastra ). Link-ul dumneavoastra il puteti gasi pe siteul oficial Agloco dupa ce v-ati inscris si inregistrat, in sectiuniile "My Account" sau "Referral Center".
De ce sa va inscrieti ?
1. Nu va costa nimic.
2. Castigati o parte din profit-urile ce le generati cand utilizati internetul.
Pentru mai multe detalii puteti intra pe site-ul Agloco Romania.
Pentru a va inscrie imediat va rog accesati http://www.agloco.com/r/BBDX0949.
Sfat Daca folosit Mozilla Firefox nu veti putea sa va schimbati parola. Folositi Internet Explorer sau Opera.